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Webinar CANCOM Customer Experience Management

09. May 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Customer experience management (CEM) refers to the creation of positive customer experiences to build an emotional bond between the user and the product or provider. The primary goal of CEM is to turn satisfied customers into loyal customers and loyal customers into "enthusiastic ambassadors" for the brand or product ("satisfied - loyal - advocate"). In combination with AI, this can become a reality.

Our experts will explain the CANCOM approach to CEM in combination with AI. Together we will create the perfect journey for your customers.

These questions will be discussed in more detail:

  • How can Artificial Intelligence not only improve Customer Experience Management, but rather transform it into a powerhouse of customer service?
  • In which three phases can the best customer service be achieved?
  • What does this look like in practice?
Webinar "CANCOM Customer Experience Management"
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