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Palo Alto Networks Forum

03. Mar 2023 8:30

Only recently, the large hacker network "Hive", which blackmailed more than 1500 companies around the world with malware, was broken up. Nevertheless, IT security managers cannot sleep soundly. Not only are software solutions being developed exponentially, but the methods used by attackers are also becoming more sophisticated. Hackers are always able to exploit vulnerabilities before effective protection is in place.

So that you can sleep soundly at least most nights, we invite you to
Palo Alto Networks Forum, on Thursday, March 2, 2023 in Vienna

At the forum, we focus on a practice-oriented exchange and give an outlook on the successful defense against cyber threats. We will highlight and demonstrate current security topics and show how you can effectively get to grips with challenges.

Register now using the registration button. We look forward to your participation.

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