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University Hospital Krems

Perfectly managed patient flows and a high level of satisfaction among waiting outpatients with PatientFlow from KBC.
Video of the case studyVideo of the case study
Who is
University HospitalKrems?

With its twelve clinical departments and five clinical institutes, Klinikum Krems is an important regional healthcare facility and employs 1,206 people.

CANCOM Austria emerged from K-Businesscom (formerly Kapsch BusinessCom) at the beginning of 2024. The following case study was written before that and therefore the text was left in the original version.

Business Challenge

The outpatient area is divided into two large areas: on the one hand, the acute area for accidents and the emergency outpatient department and, on the other, the appointment outpatient departments, to which all scheduled patients come. With 10 subjects to be administered, this resulted in long queues that extended into the corridors.


In order to manage the long queues, a ticket vending machine including digital queue management was installed.


  • Concept development
  • Installation and configuration


  • PatientFlow Software
  • Ticket vending machine from QMatic


  • less organizational effort for the staff
  • More comfortable and orderly waiting time for patients

It is important to know your own processes and the paths taken by patients in order to get off to a successful start with digitalization.

Angelika Schinko

Head of Patient Admin. and Medical Administration at Krems University Hospital

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