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Smart Industrial Solutions/Manufacturing

Who is the Marbach Group?

As a traditional company with a 100-year history, Marbach is one of the most sought-after tool manufacturers in the world today. Specifically, Marbach produces tools that are required for the production of a wide variety of packaging. These include die-cutting and thermoforming tools, for example. Marbach customers can purchase these tools and use them for their machines or systems.

Business Challenge

Marbach tools are used by its customers in large machines and systems. For example, a Marbach thermoforming tool is installed in a machine that produces yogurt cups for dairies. It was important for Marbach to offer its customers a solution that allows them to monitor the tool independently of the machine in order to gain a better insight into the production processes. This allows problems to be detected at an early stage and downtime to be reduced to a minimum.


The central result is the digital platform CONNECT|M, which Marbach developed together with CANCOM. Customer requirements were collected over many years and implemented using state-of-the-art technology and sensors. CONNECT|M visualizes a wide variety of data in a dashboard, such as parameters or key performance indicators. The data is generated by thermal tools equipped with sensors and sent to CONNECT|M. Thanks to the data visualization, Marbach customers gain a direct insight into their process and production, which in turn enables targeted monitoring. Hidden and known problems can thus be solved proactively and more quickly before damage or even failure occurs to the system or tools.

With the help of the CONNECT|M system, we were able to identify a hidden problem or at least solve an already known problem and thus help the customer to realize corresponding cost savings. If there are deviations and problems in the process, the customer receives an alarm. They can then react immediately and stop the machine, for example, before faulty production occurs.

Marcel Dreher

Development Engineer, R&D Engineer at Marchbach Werkzeug GmbH

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